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Our News
Open letter to rapporteur and shadow rapporteurs on the update of the EU water pollution standards in the European Parliament
The update of the list of priority pollutants in surface water and groundwater is already long overdue, and highly needed as pollutants such as PFAS, pesticides and pharmaceuticals impact our ecosystems and pose risks to our health. However, the European Council’s position significantly weakens not only the Commission’s proposal but also the WFD overall, and the European Parliament has still not given its formal approval for entering into trilogue negotiations.
WWF, EEB, EurEau, Aqua Publica Europea and the European Water Association call on the rapporteur and shadow rapporteurs to proceed swiftly with the formal approval in order to allow the start of the trilogues under the Hungarian Presidency, and secondly, to defend the European Parliament's position in the trilogues.

© Sam Hobson / WWF-UK
The River Tame in Greater Manchester recently recorded the highest level of microplastics anywhere in the world and combined with toxic algae in river systems due to rising global temperatures, many waterbirds are dying as a result of pollution.
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