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“Not even 1% of drinking water for 100% of life on Earth“

WWF Adria pointed importance of changing our usual activities when it comes to limited resource – drinking water by organizing performance and interactive exhibition in Silosi

Water is limited resource and we are all using it. We take water as free of charge, endless public good, but irresponsible use endanger future of all of us. In order to emphasize the importance of preserving drinking water for the whole Planet Earth, WWF Adria conducted a public awareness campaign “Not even 1% of drinking water for 100% of life on Earth“.

Although Planet has always had less than 1% of available drinking water, today all living beings might face the fact that we won’t be able to have it enough because of our irresponsible behavior.

“All human activities are “thirsty” activities. Worldwide economies are grooving and it makes more pressure on water ecosystems. Thirty years ago, drinking water was more than enough but today we are facing lack of this important natural resource – not because water supplies are poorer but because we are using it endlessly. We put a pipe everywhere we can”, said Natasa Kalauz, WWF Adria CEO.

In order to feel just for a moment how would the world look like if there was no drinking water, through this exhibition we showed potential situation in the kitchen (where water is preserved for the future use), bathroom (taking a bath in dirty water), gym (how to work out if there is no water to drink after) and how will water shortage influence all living beings.

The idea is to emphasize how urgent the need for water preservation is, especially having in mind that all existing life depends on water. The exhibition is followed by two weeks billboard and Social Media campaign also disseminated by several Social Media influencers dedicated to nature protection in Serbia and region and crowned by a whole day event - the futuristic and interesting exhibition.

It was an extraordinary opportunity for important decision makers and media representatives to actually visualize and see how it would be like living in a world without drinking water and to think about our joint future steps.
voda zimnica

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