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EU Member States support EUDR against Parliament attack

Today, EU Member States took a clear stance to reject attempts by the European Parliament, driven by the EPP group, to undermine the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and to open the gates for deregulation.

In a decisive move during the Coreper meeting, Member States refused to reopen negotiations on the EUDR’s legal text with the European Parliament, limiting discussions to the potential postponement of its application for businesses, as proposed by the European Commission.

WWF emphasises the urgency of implementing the EUDR without further delays. “Today, Member States sent a strong message to the European Parliament: attempts to weaken the EUDR are unacceptable. Delaying its application by even one year already risks exacerbating global deforestation. Any additional postponement and weakening would lead to further destruction, with devastating consequences for forests, our climate and biodiversity,” said Anke Schulmeister-Oldenhove, Forest Manager at the WWF European Policy Office.

As businesses in the EU prepare for the regulation’s application, WWF urges policymakers to prioritise swift implementation. The EUDR represents a critical tool for addressing the global deforestation crisis, and a weakened law would undermine the EU’s leadership in sustainable trade and climate action.

Schulmeister-Oldenhove added, ”We expect the Council to stick with its decision of today during the negotiations with the European Parliament. It’s time to end this unnecessary drama and get on with the EUDR implementation.”
© wwf
Tropical Forest

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