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If just one species disappears, it disrupts the entire natural system

Every year on today's date, we celebrate World Wildlife Day.

We are using this day to emphasize the importance of all wildlife species on the planet - from plants, fungi, and fish to amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. All of them are links in the chain of natural balance, and by the disappearance of just one link, we disturb the entire net of life on the planet.

This is why the information from the latest WWF’s Living Planet Report is extremely disturbing. It shows an average decline of 69% in species populations in the last 50 years. That period is shorter than the average human lifespan.

"The data is clear - the world is currently in a dual crisis - a crisis of biodiversity loss and a climate crisis fueled by unsustainable use of our planet's resources. If we do not stop treating these crises as two separate problems, we will not effectively solve either of them," warns Ivona Stanić from WWF Adria.

The most significant causes of the disappearance of wildlife are the expansion of agriculture and urban development, deforestation, overfishing, unsustainable energy use and pollution of seas, waters, and land, which then lead to the loss of habitats for wildlife, water scarcity, and climate crisis. The Global Risks Report published by the World Economic Forum shows an increase in the urgency and impact of ecological risks for the global economy, as well as the deep connection between ecological risks and economic, as well as geopolitical tensions.

Natural ecosystems are responsible for absorbing over 50% of carbon emissions in the last decade. The accelerated disappearance of nature is a significant threat to us, humans. That's why we welcome the adoption of the Nature Restoration Law, which obliges member states to restore damaged ecosystems and contribute to achieving EU goals in climate and biodiversity. The regulation represents a historic opportunity to bring nature back to Europe and enable a safer and healthier future for citizens, which is why we hope that member states will formally approve it.
© Emmanuel Rondeau/WWF-US

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