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It is time for global action to preserve biodiversity

On the International Day of Biodiversity, WWF warns about the dramatic decline of biodiversity in the world. Concrete measures should be taken immediately so that we can see the first positive results in a few years.

Half a year ago, the Kunming-Montreal Global Framework for Biodiversity was adopted, which committed the world to stop and reverse the loss of biodiversity by 2030. Despite the news that we have been expecting for many years, the bitter taste of today’s celebration is still given by scientific data. According to WWF’s latest Living Planet Report, populations of wild species have decreased by 69 percent on average since 1970, while the populations of freshwater species stand out, having decreased by 83 percent.

“Now that we have a global agreement, urgent action is needed! We must not allow a repeat of the situation with the Paris climate agreement, which has been waiting for years to start its implementation. The science is clear, the state of nature is seriously damaged, and decision-makers must include nature protection as a priority topic as soon as possible,” emphasizes Petra Boić Petrač, Communications Director in WWF Adria.

Biodiversity is the web of life on Earth. As many as 80 percent of people living in rural areas in developing countries rely on traditional herbal medicines for basic health needs. More than 70 percent of natural areas have been converted into arable land. On a global level, we throw away as much as 40 percent of the food that we produced on these arable lands and thus show that we have destroyed the network of life in that area - for nothing.

“Biodiversity loss is a big threat for all of us – individually and at the level of countries. In particular, the business sector bears most of the blame and it is time to get involved in stopping the destruction of biological diversity. Together with governments, they should provide the means to ensure the full implementation of the Global Compact and living in harmony with nature. WWF offers expertise and tools to help corporations, but above all, in addition to firm determination, we also need concrete measures,” adds Boić Petrač.

Let us remind you that a little more than ten years ago, WWF’s Living Planet Report showed that species populations had decreased by about 30 percent compared to 1970. Today we are talking about as much as 69 percent! Accelerated technological and industrial development, but above all the carelessness of governments, companies, and each of us individually has led us to a very worrying situation, and that is why we must immediately return to nature so that it would be there for us.
Nature must be urgently preserved

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