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Wonderful news for the Adriatic - permanent protection of the Jabuka Pit has been adopted

It’s a win-win situation: marine biodiversity recovers, and fishers benefit from more abundant and valuable catches.

Mediterranean countries met for the 44th session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) last week (2-6 November) with the participation of NGOs including WWF, IUCN, and Oceana. During the session, it was decided to make the special fishing regulation in the part of the Jabuka Pit, which now temporarily protects fishing resources, permanent.

It’s a win-win situation: marine biodiversity recovers, and fishers benefit from more abundant and valuable catches.

"The protection measure has proved very successful so far and has contributed to the recovery of hake and shrimp populations along with a number of other marine organisms, to the satisfaction of fishers, scientists, NGOs and the Fisheries Administration. Now this cross-border area of ​​Croatia and Italy is coming under binding permanent protection so that it can continue to supply fish to surrounding areas where fishing is allowed," said Mosor Prvan, WWF delegate to GFCM.

The countries of the region also adopted multiannual management plans for the sustainable exploitation of demersal and small pelagic stocks in the Adriatic Sea to ensure the sustainability of fishing activities targeting these resources.

WWF Adria congratulates all those who contributed to this great victory for the preservation of our Adriatic and our fishing tradition. This is a big step towards a sustainable future for fisheries, but also a great example for the establishment of new protected areas, both in the Adriatic and throughout the Mediterranean.
© I. Bura, WWF
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