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Climate Pact for Impact
© New Moment/WWF
The project “Climate Pact for Impact” has been designed to connect various parts of society, sectors, knowledge platforms and know-hows.  An intervention logic has been conceptualized in order to achieve the project goal. It includes the following components:
1) education, 2) awareness, 3) collaboration and partnerships with the business community.

Climate change is a rapidly growing threat for society and ecosystems at large. Future climate change is a serious risk to poverty reduction and through its impacts on the environment and social and economic well-being could critically undermine efforts for building resilient community and natural ecosystems in Serbia. In Serbia people have a low-level of understanding of the climate change topics and this lack of public awareness is translating to low levels of public pressure to ensure that natural resources are used sustainably, and climate change impacts are considered properly. Major obstacles for the development of participatory climate change programs are the lack of institutional awareness, willingness or coordination, as well as human capacity and funding opportunities.

Therefore, this project will focus on education, raising public awareness and capacity building about climate change, and the importance of considering both mitigation and adaptation in decision-making for the long-term sustainable development of the society. Key issue to address is to increase understanding and enable the public to participate in initiatives and activities aimed at adapting to climate change.

Project implementation period is November 2019 – December 2021.
How climate change affects the world around us
Climate change and biodiversity
Our choice of food affects climate change
Nature helps us to mitigate climate change
Forests protect us from climate change